We invite you to join Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in San Antonio and the Archdiocesan Black Catholic Apostolate for our annual prayer breakfast, featuring our keynote speaker, Sr. Odessa Stanford, SFCC from the Congregation of the Sisters for Christian Community.
This year's theme, taken from Hebrews 6:19, is "In Times Like These We Need a Savior."
Sister Odessa comes from a family of ten children and she graduated from Bay City High School, Bay City, Texas. She was raised in the Baptist church and converted to Catholicism as a young adult. Sister Odessa has been a member of the National Black Sisters Conference of Religious Women since 2009; presently, she is serving as a formation mentor for her congregation and actively serving on the NBSC Formation Committee. Her personal mantra or charism is to “build up and not tear down, to foster unity in community.”
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased by calling the parish office at 210-532-5358.